Losing a pet is one of the most challenging things we deal with as loving pet parents. Our dogs and cats show us love and compassion every day of their lives. As their owners, we must advocate for them in sickness, health, and death. We know how challenging it is to mourn the passing of a family pet. But it is our responsibility as pet parents to decide how to handle after-death care in the most loving way possible.
Whether your pet is euthanized at a vet or in the comfort of your home, it is up to you to decide the next steps. Most owners choose pet cremation so they can memorialize the remains. However, traditional cremation by fire is a harsh process that is an extreme environmental hazard. As a result, more and more pet parents are choosing pet Aquamation to transition their pets gently.
Pet Cremation Atlanta - Pros and Cons
Pet Cremation Benefits
Most pet owners choose cremation for their pets. Several benefits of pet cremation make it the top choice for end-of-life care.
Pet owners receive ashes from their dogs’ remains that can be memorialized in their homes.
Cremation services are offered and facilitated through vet offices.
Ashes are confidently transported so your beloved pet can stay with your family through moves and relocations.
Cremation is an affordable service that is completed quickly.
Cons of Pet Cremation
Pet cremation by fire is highly harmful to the environment. Millions of harmful toxins are released into the air and continue to pollute the air for years. Cremation by incineration heavily contributes to environmental issues such as global warming. Additionally, fire-based pet cremation is popularly used for communal body disposal. It is used by humane societies and other organizations that perform mass euthanasia. It is an unceremonious, harsh process that serves as a "quick" fix for body disposal.
Aquamation is Better Than Fire
However, pet owners can avoid the detrimental environmental harm of traditional cremation by choosing water-based pet cremation. Aquamation is a sustainable alternative to a flame that poses no threat to the environment. In addition, pet Aquamation provides the same benefits as cremation by incineration. Aquamation is equally or more affordable than traditional cremation, produces more collectible remains, and is widely available throughout Atlanta, Georgia.
Most importantly, water-based pet cremation is executed with compassion and respect. It is a loving and humane choice for end-of-life care for your pet. Your beloved dog's remains are important and deserve better than a fiery conclusion. That is why pet owners are overwhelmingly choosing water cremation for their beloved animals.
Water Cremation | Pet Aquamation Atlanta
Soothing Streams is a proud provider of pet Aquamation in Atlanta. Water-based pet cremation is the only gentle and sustainable option for after-life pet care. If you are unsure how to handle end-of-life decisions for your beloved animal, Soothing Streams is here to help. Aquamation is the best choice pet parents can make with their dog or cat's remains.
Water pet cremation is a green alternative to incineration.
Aquamation is a gentle and natural process.
Pet parents receive more ashes from pet Aquamation than cremation by fire.
Water-based pet cremation is a personalized process executed with love and compassion.
We know that you want the best for your pet. Water cremation is undoubtedly the best choice for end-of-life care for loved pets. You treated your dog as a family member for their entire life. Show them the same compassion and respect after they cross the Rainbow Bridge by choosing the humane and sustainable cremation option: pet Aquamation.
Premium Providers of Pet Aquamation Atlanta
The hardest decision in every pet owner's life is to release their beloved dog to run over the Rainbow Bridge. Soothing Streams offers a natural solution to after-life pet care through pet Aquamation services. Every step of our process is geared towards creating a peaceful and gentle experience for your pet.
Whether your pet passes away at home or the vet, Soothing Streams will pick up their body and transport it to our premium Aquamation facility. Once there, a staff member lovingly lowers your pet into a safe, non-toxic, alkaline solution. Then, we hand deliver your pets' remains to your front door. Losing a pet is traumatic, and navigating through grief is challenging. At Soothing Streams, our concierge services make after-life pet care as easy as possible.
Soothing Streams Pet Services/Aquamation/Pet Cremation by Water
465 Maltbie Street, Unit 307
Lawrenceville, Ga 30046